Not long ago, Morgen added the possibility to create tasks as small as 5 minutes, which was great. However, it became a challenge to add several smaller tasks to the calendar. The calendar either gets cluttered, or you have to adjust the time display resolution to 5 minutes, making it impossible to view a full day without scrolling up and down the window on a typical monitor. As a solution, I wish it were possible to create timeboxes as an alternative type of event. One could then drag and drop tasks into the timebox. The time box could be expanded to view all the tasks in greater detail. If I need to rearrange the day, instead of moving each task to another time slot, I could just move the whole timebox. The timebox could also be labeled. This feature would solve both the time resolution problem and the clutter problem. It would speed up the process of rearranging tasks and events. It would also support the popular time boxing and task batching technique. For example, I could gather several small email-related tasks from different projects (lists) and add them to a time box. When the Morgen team adds task tags, this will become even more effective. I’ve added a quick sketch of how it could look.