Add scheduled tasks to "Due Today" in sidebar
under review
Judi S.
This sounds like how Obsidian Tasks uses "Happens Today" if that helps the developers understand what I think the use case is here.
"happens returns any task for a matching start date, scheduled date, or due date. For example, happens before tomorrow will return all tasks that are starting, scheduled, or due earlier than tomorrow. If a task starts today and is due in a week from today, happens before tomorrow will match, because the tasks starts before tomorrow. Only one of the dates needs to match."
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Show scheduled tasks in "Overdue"/"Today"/"Upcoming" lists (not only when provided due date)
It would be great to see scheduled tasks, even without due date specified, in the "Overdue"/"Today"/"Upcoming" sections respectively.
This comes in handy when you want a quick overview of whats up for today or upcoming. And especially what tasks were scheduled but not completed (hence overdue).
This would also help with planned recurring tasks, where you can't specify a due date. These tasks often slip by and you'll notice too late that they are overdue and you missed them.
This would be a great task management and overview improvement in my opinion.
Danny Hatcher
I don't understand the use case for this 🤔
The calendar view shows scheduled tasks and those due today will be in the sidebar.
This sounds like an agenda view rather than a due list and calendar view.
Maybe I am missing something.
Danny Hatcher
When I add a task directly to the calendar view, it should show up under the "Due Today" section, however this currently doesn't happen.
"Due Today" should be a catch all for any task that is, well... Due Today. The current app behaviour doesn't align with this logical flow.
Danny Hatcher
Noah But the 'due' might not be today it could be any other day in the future.
I schedule tasks for multiple sessions in a week with the due date as Sunday. I would want the task to show in the 'due soon' section not 'due today'.
This sounds like you would want a due date to be added as soon as you schedule something. My guess is that if there is a due date in the future that wouldn't be updated, just the task is scheduled.
Is that correct?
Also added this to the discord but could also sit under here
Totally agree and was about to make a post - it should be natural to have this option.
Yes! I would actually like the ability to have scheduled tasks show up in that entire upper section (Overdue, Today & Upcoming) without showing them in my lists below. That's top view is my quick gauge at everything I have going on and whether I have bandwidth for more or not in the next few days. Right now, I have to check that and the calendar and as a visual person, it takes me a bit to reconcile the two.
Brenna Donoghue
under review
Brenna Donoghue
Would you use this is conjunction with the upcoming task list or want this option instead of upcoming (upcoming is tasks due in next 7 days)?
Adam Koch
Brenna Donoghue: Probably in conjunction, so that I have one place to view everything that has to be done today whether it is scheduled or just had a due date.
Like the "something left behind" from earlier versions :)