AI assistant (summary of day)
under review
Summarize day agenda
Summarize week agenda
Ask AI to look for specific events
AI suggestions when scheduling conflicting times
Natural language descriptions.
“You have 11 zoom calls this week. One is with an investor and 2 appear to be urgent with the product development team.”
“Look for events that are after 4pm Mon, Weds and Fri”.
“How many hours of meetings do I have for the next 2 weeks”?
“Auto-Summarize website description of meeting participants based on work email”
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Daily Briefing of Agenda via Email
I would like the ability to receive a daily briefing of my daily agenda via email. Additionally, I want the ability to choose which email addresses should receive this agenda (I want to send my wife my agenda every day automatically).
It should be based on my "availability" configuration in my calendar (currently 3 separate) calendars.
I would also like this on the front end. Right now I'm using ChatGPT to tell it what I want to accomplish in a day and it builds me a step by step to attack the day including things like showering and meditation or eating breakfast. I wish there was a way to integrate this input style with Morgen. At the end of every day I tell it what went well and what I didn't accomplish and ask for suggestions for the following day.
Danny Hatcher
Could be related to:
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Email a summary of tasks and appointments daily
Can you create an automation that will Email a summary of tasks and appointments daily?
Marco Ancona (Morgen co-founder)
under review
We have been experimenting with this kind of assistant over the last few months (via Slack integration). We are still figuring valuable use cases to make the AI assistant really useful.
- In my opinion shallow tasks like summarizing the scehdule for the day are not particularly useful, what do you think? Do you have specific use cases in mind?
- Would you like this assistant to live in the Morgen app, or somewhere else (eg. Slack, Teams, etc)?
Marco Ancona (Morgen co-founder): I agree that AI for the sake of it would be pointless - there's enough of that out there already! But I for once would find a summary of what I've done each day enormously useful. Right now I use paper for this - paper! In terms of where it lives, I don't care, as long as it exists.
Marco Ancona (Morgen co-founder) I'd prefer it to live in the Morgen app. I just submitted a feature request for reviews/planning which might integrate, too.
I have ADHD so my use case would be helping focus on what's on today/this week, prioritising, and checking if there's anything I've not completed for a bit/am rolling over often (stuck tasks) or need to follow up on/need to prepare for.
Ideally, it would give me the option to/suggest solutions for stuck tasks, e.g. suggest steps to break it down into
Brenna Donoghue
in progress
Brenna Donoghue
A lot of these ideas are in the works with TimeTo - hoping to have broader access ready in August.
Danny Hatcher
under review