Allow invitee to add guests to meeting invite (support more than one invitee)
under review
For Morgen to be useful in a business setting, it has to support multiple invitees. At the very least, the invitee needs to be able to add guests (other attendees). In
situations, the person I'm inviting to a meeting will add their own team members, since I don't always know who should be joining the meeting.Z
Wondering if there is any progress on this. I’m still potentially interested in Morgen over Calendly… but can’t even THINK about switching until multiple invitees are supported. That means being able to book an appointment with multiple invites, let the invitee themselves ADD more people to the invite, and being able to go back and add more people afterward. In the business world meetings are not 1:1 exclusively… we need group event handling. I can’t tell my client, “oh sorry, my calendar won’t let you add your team to the event.” Non-starter.
Danny Hatcher
under review
Just to underscore this… in nearly every business setting, my invitee must be able to invite their own team members. Right now Morgen is only usable for 1:1 meetings. THAT’S NOT THE REALITY IN MOST BUSINESS SETTINGS. Most often, I’m inviting someone else and THEY decide who else to add to the meeting… might be their assistant or maybe key team members. This is a show stopper to adopting Morgen.