tl;dr - Morgen's filters are insufficient in comparison with Linear's, and an option to filter by inclusion in Linear View would take advantage of the best in Morgen (placing tasks in calendar) and the best in Linear (advanced filters to show most relevant tasks).
Via Linear's GraphQL API you can create views with really advanced filters, combining
s and
s with comparisons over properties of linked entities. This has allowed me to create views that reduce clutter to the minimum, and shows/hides other issues in response to events of related ones.
For example, for my "actionable" view, which is categorized in swim lanes via a label group:
  • If I cannot act on a blocked task, why should I keep seeing it?
  • If a task has a due date that deems it irrelevant for now, why should I keep seeing it?
  • If a task with children has not started yet, why should I keep seeing its children?
  • If two tasks, a parent and its child, have already started, why should I keep seeing the parent?
The answer to all seems to be "to raise awareness", but I'd argue that awareness of too much == clutter.
By properly attributing each issue in the creation phase (labels, due dates, blockages, parenthood), this Linear view becomes the go-to place to simply pick, drag, execute and complete, updating itself in the process.
My request is to see only those Linear issues, instead of the currently imported ones, as they are too broad and Morgen's Linear filters too restrictive.
Given that the user has to select which teams to import the issues, states and labels from, views could also be imported and shown in a dropdown in the filter dialog.
This, combined with Linear's write support, could turn Morgen into the perfect companion for streamlined time-aware execution, reducing context switches to a minimum. (