Limits for scheduling links
under review
Adriano Barboza
I have several teams I work with that have one of my scheduling links, but I would like to be able to let them schedule up to a specific amount of meetings per month (the contract I have with them only allows for a certain number of hours per month). Will there be a way to control it?
Sebastián Yanik
I'd love for this to be a feature. Otherwise, I need to be constantly on the look of meetings being scheduled more than I'd like each week, and having to reach out and tell people 'Hey, actually, could we reschedule for next week. Im kinda overbooked this week', defeating the point of having an automated booking page entirely.
Danny Hatcher
under review
Kosha Shah Eisenberg
This can also apply to a type of event. Calendly allows this - but for example, I can open a lot of slots for an external, in-person lunch - but don't want to have more than 2 scheduled in a given week, even though they can be on different days in a given week.
Brenna Donoghue
Interesting. Right now this isn't something we have looked at. The main way to limit would be to use Open Invites instead of scheduling links which are designed for one time meetings instead.
Adriano Barboza
Brenna Donoghue: Thank you for replying! I've had experiences with Calendly more than once when different team members within an organization would use my link without checking with each other and I am never able to track how many meetings or hours were scheduled using that specific link. So, sometimes, I ended up having 10 hours of meetings with a team, but my contract only paid for 8, so I ended up loosing money 🥲
Brenna Donoghue you mentioned the Open Invites are intended for "one time meetings" but even though the invite gets hidden in "booked" section, the link still works. I take advantage of that (there doesn't seem to be a different way to create a booking calendar e.g. for in-person conference meetings => this would be only 2 days of availability, not weekly recurring, so I use Open Invites and use the link multiple times) but it doesn't sound like it's intended to work this way. If you'd consider making Open Invites "one-time bookings", please add first the ability to create booking links for the scenario I mentioned above