Obsidian Task Import: Dataview support
Luke Barnard
Right now only emoji format support is available, but I use the dataview format with the Tasks plugin. Without this, I can't use the Morgen integration.
Matthew Kucmanic
I second this. I find the emojis in Tasks generally distracting from my actual tasks and have simplified my tasks so that priority and status is given by specific tags. This works well in Morgan, but having the big purple emoji for ID (which doesn't designate any importance to the task itself) is very unappealing. I know that other plug-ins (like the pomodoro timer) use a carrot followed by an ID. This would be much better in my opinion.
I second. Dataview format allows for additional context and support navigation between supporting notes. For people who don't like emoji's it gives us less clutter.
Paul T
I second this. The Dataview format is much more flexible for use within Obsidian. It would be great if Morgen supported this.
Brenna Donoghue