Recurring Tasks with AI Scheduling (Habit/Routine tasks)
under review
When adding a task to the list of tasks on the left (Desktop) I would love to set a recurring interval alongside the estimated duration for the task. This way, I could ensure a task is repeated weekly and the AI scheduler could schedule the task accordingly.
The difference lies in the ability for the AI scheduler to schedule tasks recurrently instead of just one occasion and me needing to set an interval manually. I want to schedule a recurring task and AI to find the best spot in my week.
+1 vote here. It would be great to be able to schedule recurring tasks with the AI planner ensuring they get completed within a frame wherever they can fit them in within the recurrence time window.
Danny Hatcher
under review
I'd like to add an example.
I work out 3 days a week.
Monday, Leg day.
Wednesday, body and core.
Friday, Cardio.
I'd like for the AI Planner to schedule these as a set task (with a priority) instead of having to create a recurring event, so that AI Planner can look at the list of tasks and see: "Okay, here's something that looks more important. I'll add that (or ask if I should add this important task) instead of the normally recurring training day.
I hope that makes sense.
Brandon Rossiter
To add to this, I would like for the tasks to only schedule on the weekday before the due date. For example, if I have something scheduled for the 20th of the month and that happens to fall on a Saturday, I want it to be scheduled on the Friday before or earlier.