Smaller Time Frames in AI Planner
Danny Hatcher
Danny Hatcher
You can add a title tag with a time estimate for 5 minutes.
EG: [5m]
Brittni Roach
Danny Hatcher This still does not seem to work for my imported tasks from Notion. I have tried adding a title with the label [5 min] and it still defaults to 15 minutes. Also, I have tried creating a time variable for the notion task when it is imported to fill in the time estimate, but it still tries to schedule it as 15 minutes.
Danny Hatcher
Brittni Roach Is the slot 15 minutes or does it look like 15 minutes? With large resolutions 5 minute and 15 minute slots can look the same size so you can read them.
Just a thought.
Brittni Roach
Danny Hatcher It is still a 15 minute slot, it is showing a start time of say 9:45 and end time of 10:00...
Danny Hatcher
Brittni Roach Are you in the discord? We could organize a chat to troubleshoot.
Brittni Roach
Danny Hatcher No I'm not yet.
Danny Hatcher
Brittni Roach Ok.
I can't seem to reproduce your issue.
This is what I see when trying to schedule a 5 minute task.
Brittni Roach
Danny Hatcher I got it to work! I think I had a space between 5m before and it wasn't reading it correctly.
Danny Hatcher
Brittni Roach: Ah. I am glad you got it working 😁