Split big tasks into smaller ones
Danny Hatcher
Multiple task sessions feature explored in comments.
Danny Hatcher
under review
Danny Hatcher
You can create multiple slots on your calendar of a task.
There is the copy and paste or drag and drop methods.
What other way are you thinking?
Danny Hatcher I think it would be great to have a 10-hour task that's divided into 2-hour segments, with a tracker showing how many you've completed. Or automatically schedules it as long as it's not completed
Danny Hatcher
Gregor That is what I currently do with the AI planner.
Is this the workflow you are thinking:
Task estimate = 10 hours
Drag task from sidebar to 5 slots all of 2 hours.
If that is the case, how does Morgen know each slot should be 2 hours?
Danny Hatcher I didn't realise that was possible sorry, that solves my use case :)