Time tracking (Potential integration)
under review
Carly Williams
Time tracking would be amazingly useful for task management, such as a certain task budgeted for 4 hours, and I put it on my schedule but only have time for 1 hour today. Being able to see it in my task list as still incomplete, but showing that I have completed 1 out of 4 hours
Tiffany T
Time tracking calendar/agendar for actual vs planned would be very beneficial as well.
I like that Morgan keeps tasks where you planned them and doesn't automatically move them around - but perhaps an 'actual view' that shows when time was tracked on tasks/timestamp the completion date and time that can be compared to the plan. Then the user/AI can work on adjustments and see their patterns
Please please please add time tracking in some form - either integration with another tool, or in Morgen.
I really miss this so much.
My workaround (currently in Akiflow) is to create tasks and move my recurring time slots, tasks and habits to fill my 24h day. My aim is to check my days / weeks / months and see whether I spend my time in each of my life areas as I planned to spend. I created time budgets in hrs a day/week/month or simply in % of my time and I compare how I actually spent my time (I copied a screenshot for reference). Akiflow calls this "statistics" and I assume there is something similiar in Morgen.
I read this concept in the following Harvard Business review called "life portfolio management". For an impression see the graphic below.
One of the down-sides of this method is the time I need to spend for time tracking which can accumulate to something between 15 and 30 mins a day. This extra-time requires a pay-off from better balancing and disciplin in keeping my budgets (still with the flexibility for unplanned events as before).
Before that I used from time to time a mobile app once in a while as a time tracker. The problem was the missing link to my calendar and the difficulty to allocate more than one category to a certain time window. With Akiflow timeslots I can copy a task several times and allocate them to different life areas (projects/tags) even recurrently and with specific start/end time and durations.
I'm curious how Morgen may solve this (also in relation with time slots as described here): https://morgen.canny.io/feature-requests/p/timebox-grouping-scheduled-tasks
I import my tasks from Notion including an estimated time, I would need morgen to update that automatically in my notion tasks. Currently am doing this manually. It would also be great if it could deduct the time for scheduled calls during a task and add the time spent on calls with the same tags and export to notion . I have the analysis currently set up in Notion including a Dashboard.
(Also open for other suggestions for time tracking, I do have all of my tasks and projects on notion tough)
Before submitting my own request, I searched to see if someone else had requested it. Apps like ClickUp and Kosmo Time let me click "start" on a task, pause the task when I take a break, hit start again to log more time, and then when I finally mark the task as complete, I can see how much time I spent in total working on that task.
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Rize Integration
(Or any other time tracking tool)
I'd appreciate if I'd be able to track my times using Rize and having them show in my morgen calendar.
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Time Analytics and/or task counter
the ability to analyze the time you've spent doing what. similar to things like "clockwise" but without having to do the same work twice.
and maybe also "how many times" has this thing been done in the past weeks.
the "time tracking" / "task counting" filter and analytics tool could be based upon the tags feature or calendar specific (like how many hours have things been scheduled in this specific calendar)
Danny Hatcher
under review
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Add time tracking features or integrate with time tracking apps
It would be great to add a time tracking and time sheet reporting features to Morgen, or to integrate with another app that offers these feature like Toggl or Clockify. This would be great for using a Pomodoro timer for executing tasks, and also to create monthly or weekly timesheet reports.
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