Travel time (Buffer time) to be calculated from Current location
under review
Danny Hatcher
Merged in a post:
Smart Travel Time
Ruedi Trachsel
Not only a default starting point should be set, but also a smart travel time detection. If I have an event at place A and then at B, but this two places are close by or the time is not enough to go back to my office or home, it should automatically plan the travel time between location A and B instead of going home first.
Danny Hatcher
under review
Brenna Donoghue
Merged in a post:
travel time calculated from previous event location
I would like the option to calculate travel time between two meeting locations instead of calculating it from home/office.
This would especially useful if it could be cross calendar and not only for events on a single calendar.
Jared Wood
Working it from the prior location would be awesome, also a drop down box with saved or favorited locations.
I also think it's a great idea. For me, setting some post event buffer time in which the app would assume previous event location, would be amazing and solve a lot of issues. I often have back to back meetings put in the calendar as separate events, and then the travel time between them is generated despite them being in the same location.