Morgen routinely HIDES events that are outside of normal working / calendar hours. Steps to reproduce:
  • Set your visible time grid from 9am - 5pm
  • Create an event scheduled for 7am (1 hour duration)
  • Create an event scheduled for 6pm (1 hour duration)
Expected result:
  • I should see a visual indication that there are events before/after the currently visible time grid (example: Apple Calendar does a nice job of this)
  • I should be able to scroll my default view (grid) to see before/after hours events
  • Morgen should make it obvious that there are important events outside of the normal grid view so I don't miss something CRITICAL :( :(
Actual result:
  • Morgen shows absolutely NO INDICATION that there are events scheduled earlier/later than my start/end grid preference
  • Unless I view a 24-hour calendar, I'll miss events
Other notes:
  • It's very easy in Morgen to accidentally schedule something for 4am instead of 4pm; when this happens, the event vanishes from my view... which is bad.